About the Journal

Islamic Economics Journal (iEco) is an international refereed academic journal published annually by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Finance (UNISSA). This journal aims to publish papers which are most impactful and thought-leading substantive research in the field of Islamic Economics. This journal explores a unique range of topics each year - from the frontier of theoretical developments in contemporary and important areas to research on current and applied Islamic economic problems.


Administration of the Journal
Faculty of Islamic Economics and Finance (FIEF), Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA).


Background of The Journal:
Economics, business, entrepreneurship, banking, and finance are most rapidly growing research with today’s modern world development. There are many reputable written academic papers and studies in these areas – in Islamic perspectives – and were presented in seminars and conferences and had the possibilities to be published in refereed journals. Thus, this journal is dedicated to build a platform for academicians, researchers, and practitioners to share their knowledge and research findings to contribute to the knowledge areas.


Objectives of the Journal

  • Publish high-quality articles in the areas of economics, business, entrepreneurship, banking and finance;
  • Encourage academic staff of UNISSA in research and publish their articles and papers in a local international refereed journal that will benefit the Ummah; and
  • Enrich and expand research findings in the mentioned areas of knowledge to fulfil the modern world’s needs and development.


Scopes of the Journal:

This journal particularly focuses on topics related to:

Corporate Economics;

Economics Development;


Fiqh Economics;

Islamic Accounting;

Islamic Banking;

Islamic Economics;

Islamic Financial System;

Islamic Investment;

Islamic Trading and Entrepreneurship;

Islamic Wealth Management;



Micro & Macro Economic;


Political Economics;

Risk Management;